Some of America’s foremost authorities on highway safety have worked together to develop and update MMUCC since the first edition of the Guideline was released in 1998. The program is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and jointly managed by NHTSA and the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) with input from other offices in the U.S. Department of Transportation.
One of the keys to the widespread acceptance of MMUCC in so many states has been the collaborative approach to developing the Guideline. Professionals from all over the country representing law enforcement, state DOTs and DMVs, the safety and medical communities, federal agencies, state governments, emergency responders, medicine, and other stakeholder groups have been closely involved with MMUCC development and implementation since its inception.
All of the MMUCC stakeholder groups are represented on an expert panel that leads efforts to update the Guideline and administer the program. The expert panel always welcomes ideas for updating and improving the Guideline in the discussion forum on the MMUCC website, and at conferences such as the Traffic Records Forum, the GHSA annual meeting, and other highway safety gatherings.
As MMUCC evolves into its fourth edition, the expert panel will continue working closely with stakeholders all around the country to ensure further growth in the use of the Guideline, allowing states to collect better data that leads to safer roadways and reductions in traffic deaths and injuries.