V26. Motor Carrier Identification**


The identification number, name and address of an individual, partnership or corporation responsible for the transportation of persons or property as indicated on the shipping manifest. NOTE: The companies and carriers shown in any photographs on this site are included for illustrative purposes only. These images in NO WAY indicate or imply unsafe or improper operating practices by those pictured.

Element Attributes:


Subfield 1:

US DOT Number (7 digits, right justified)

Subfield 2:

If no US DOT Number, State Issued Identification Number and State name

Subfield 3:


Subfield 4: Street Address

Street or P.O. Box
State (two-letter code)
Zip Code

Subfield 5: Commercial/Non-Commercial

Interstate Carrier
Intrastate Carrier
Not in Commerce/Government
Not in Commerce/Other Truck



(**Required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration CFR 350.201.) The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has the authority to fine and sanction unsafe interstate (and some intrastate) truck and bus companies. A key way to identify potentially unsafe motor carriers is to collect crash data by the identification number, name, and address of the company. The street address allows FMCSA to visit carriers to conduct review of compliance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and provides a crosscheck for the correct identity of the carrier. The identification number (found on the power unit, and assigned by the U.S. DOT or by a State) is a key element for carrier identification in the FMCSA databases for crashes and other carrier information. This data element is collected at the scene to meet FMCSA 90 day reporting requirements.